Sunday, March 26, 2006

Recording - Day ??????

So another day was spent in the studio laying down tracks and writing. Zac came over and played us a couple of riffs he had which promptly turned into a brutal yet elegant new LoNero song tentatively titled "F.Y.T.". Writing with Zac is definitely beneficial. He seems to come up with some great and catchy rhythms. Just what we love!
Mike laid down some bass lines for "F.Y.T.". as well and Steve laid down some overdubbed drums for "Whatever" and "F.Y.T.". I laid down the melody and solo for "F.Y.T.". tonight as well as some overdubs for "Milkshake" and "Whatever".

In 99% off the instrumental bands out there one guy (usually the lead guitarist) writes all the songs. Why? Where is it written that no one else in the band can contribute? In LoNero it is all about contribution. I don't care who writes the song. As long as at the end of the day it is a good song and everyone is happy and grooving along to it. It doesn't matter who wrote it. The bottom line is it's all about the music. PERIOD!

To hear "F.Y.T." check out our alternate myspace profile (used only to enable us to upload more songs) at and click FYT. For those that know, you know what that means. If you don't.....just ask.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Bill, I love F.Y.T. that song kicks ass! I'm not buying this next one off of iTunes though, I want the real thing lol.

Great job! Rock on!