Friday, March 24, 2006

State of Music

Never in the history of recorded music has there been an era that has so failed to use the power of music to inspire as the era that we are living in now. There are many factors that contribute to this but the most proliferating one would be greed and alot of impatience. Today corporate greed has taken over and the art of creating something that speaks to the soul and moves you has been pushed aside for the sake of money. With the introduction of crap like American Idol the idea of taking some cute little wanna be pop star out to the public and capitalizing and cashing in on their popularity has grown to the point of absolute obsurdity. The real musicians that have something to say from their heart are thrown to the side for the flash in the pan pop star.
It is not only pop music where this has happened though. Formulaic and homogenized crap can be found in almost all genre's of music. For example:
Rock - Fall Out Boy, Avenge SevenFold, Yellow Card, My Chemical Romance, The All American Rejects, Death Cab for Cutie, Gorillaz, Avril Lavigne, etc.
Rap - Just about any artists out there now no matter how gangster they try to act is a victim of not only corporate greed but their own greed.
Country - I could go on forever about Country. All country music is now is pop music with a pedal steel. That's it.

What is going on right now is the exact same thing that went on in the 80's with rock music. Except now it is happening in all genres of music. At least in the late 80's rap was new and dangerous still. Country was still country and pop consisted of real pop musicians.

All I'm saying is that the only place that you will find real musicians nowadays is in the dirty, smoke filled clubs and the lights are dim but the band is pouring their hearts out. Not because they were taught how to by some choreographer but because it's what they feel deep down inside! So next time you are walking past a bar or club and you hear some kick ass music being played by a local band, go inside and show them that you respect what they are doing. Find out if they have a website and tell your friends. And by doing that you might have a hand in bringing back real music to the radios and stadiums!


Casey Dorrell said...

But that brings us to the question of . . . why?

Few of the bands I enjoy will ever have stadium shows. And I honestly don't see why I should want them to.

LoNero said...

Well it's not a matter of whether or not you want them to. It's a matter of good bands getting the recognition they deserve whether it's a stadium or a small bar.