Friday, May 06, 2011

Review #3 of New CD "J.F.L."

"They call it guitarcore. What I call it is great instrumental guitar driven rock and roll. It is a genre that has few who can do it well but many who try. LoNero has got it right. Instead of showing how many notes can be crammed into a bar of music or delving into what can only be called extended wanking, they remembered that the most important aspect of music is melody.

Kicking off the album is a terrific piece called "Eden" which is just where the guitar lover will think he is after listening to this one. LoNero proves that it is possible to be heavy yet create a melodic song which will appeal to fans of many genres of music. The comparisons to the likes of Satriani are inevitable and these guys do follow some paths that Joe has set down but their trail never strays from making sure that the melody is paramount.

Another aspect of this band is that they will explore whatever field of music they desire. Sometimes you get a heavier feel as with "Little Bastard" or you might get what they call punkstumental on a song like "Good Luck" which is just what their labeling says. It has a punk attitude for the underbelly but still maintains the melody.

Another song that the band says is in the punstrumental category is "Fat Tat". To me this one sounds more like a Gary Hoey surf instrumental. Believe me when I say that this is not a bad thing at all. They manage to keep it heavy but to me I see a surfer riding that big wave when I hear this one. When music can take you to another place like that, it is doing it's job! Not everyone is going to experience the same journey but it is the ability to move you in one way or another that really counts. LoNero will do that and you will love where they take you.

I also like the dramatic side of their music. A song like "Oblivion" sounds to me like something that might come out of the Symphony X camp if Russell Allen didn't show up that day. Intense, powerful music that gets down into the soul.

The many different sides to this band makes this disc a dynamic listening experience. JFL just begs for you to slap it in the car player and head down to the nearest coastline and just cruise. I have been trying to figure out what the name of the album means and after hearing it I think it must be an abbreviation for Just F'ing Listen!!"

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